Monday, September 1, 2014


English 10/10A Syllabus
Mrs. Wotchko/Mrs. Cass/Mr. LeClaire

Welcome to your tenth grade English class! I hope you enjoyed your summer break and are ready for another year at EHS. This year is a little different because your assigned teacher, Mrs. Wotchko, is on maternity leave for the first quarter. You have been left in good hands and will have a great start to the year.

Contact Info
Email: Mrs. Wotchko:
           Mrs. Cass:
Mr. LeClaire:
Class Blog:
School Phone Number: 786-6521 Room: A-103

Mrs. Wotchko’s Daily Schedule
1st Hour, 7:35-8:39 Prep
2nd Hour, 8:44-9:42 Accelerated English 10
3rd Hour, 9:47-10:45 English 10
4th Hour, 10:50-11:48 Accelerated English 10
Lunch, 11:48-12:23
5th Hour, 12:23-1:21 English 10 (co-taught with Mr. LeClaire)
6th Hour 1:26-2:27 English 10

Classroom Rules

1. Be respectful. This means you are expected to be respectful to your teacher(s), peers, and the area provided to you to learn.

2. Be prepared. This means you should bring all necessary materials to class that are needed to participate. It also means to be awake and ready to engage.

Instructional Policies

* Cheating and/or plagiarism are completely unacceptable. Any students involved in such an act will automatically receive a zero for the assignment. Parents and administration will be notified of the incident.

*Late work is not accepted.

*If you are absent, you have the same amount of time your peers do to complete your work. If the class received an assignment that was due the next day, your assignment will be due the day after you receive it as well.

*Use pencil, black ink, or blue ink on your assignments. This out of courtesy for your teacher’s vision.

Grading/Course Structure

Notice: Semester grades are what counts on your transcripts.

This is how your semester grade will be calculated:
Quarter 1- 40% Quarter 3- 40%
Quarter 2- 40% Quarter 4- 40%
Exam 1- 20% Exam 2- 20%

Your quarter grades will be made up of homework, quizzes, tests, and participation.

Homework- This consists of assigned reading, writing, and any other assignments given to you. Homework is designed for your benefit and practice.

Quizzes- Quizzes may or may not be announced. Some quizzes may be weighted more heavily (this can either really help or hurt you, so be prepared).

Tests- Tests will always be announced. Tests are weighted more heavily because they are designed to show your mastery of the content.

Participation- This consists of your willingness to work with others, activeness in discussions, and overall attitude in class.

Course Description

English 10/10A is designed to guide the student toward successful completion of the required language arts skills of the Common Core State Standards curriculum. This preparation of skills will focus on the analysis of multi-genre literature and preparatory writing skills for college and career bound students. The improvement of writing skills will be the main focus, using literature as a focal instructional point.

Expectations and Goals

Individual assignments will have certain expectations attached to them as you develop your skills and those expectations will be described to you at that time.

Goals for the students in this class include:

1. Strengthening Reading Skills
a. vocabulary
b. comprehension leading to discovery of meaning

2. Maturation of Writing Skills
a. to use as a means of intellectual communication

3. Developing strong problem solving, thinking, and reasoning skills

4. Ability to actively participate in meaningful discussions


Novels (Of Mice and Men, A Separate Peace, The Things They Carried, Fallen Angels, Monster, Night, Farewell to Manzanar)*

Plays (12 Angry Men, Julius Caesar, A Raisin in the Sun, The Crucible)*

Writing (Responses, Research, Persuasive, Narrative, Expository) *

Short Stories



Stems- last, but not least

*Some or all of these will be taught depending on the class.

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