Saturday, October 18, 2014

Night assignments

Night by Elie Weisel FInal essay and project

Part 1- Visual project- Jewish Star- 25 points

This portion of the assignment is due on Friday October 31st in class

1- Read the biography information of the Jewish Holocaust survivor or victim you

 were given in class

 2-Highlight or underline 6 factual statements

 3-Each fact needs to be typed or neatly written and put on each corner of the star

 4-Neatly cut out and place the picture in the middle of the paper

 5-Cut out the star

 6- On the back of each star put the name, birthdate and the fate of your person

 7- Do not forget to put your name on it so you get the credit

 8-They will be hanging in the class during Parent/Teacher conferences - so be neat!

Part 2- Essay response- 25 points

This portion of the assignment is due on Thursday November 6th at the end of class

Pick five out of the following questions or statements and write a 1/3 to 1/2 page ( 8-12

sentences) typed response to each question or statement. Use complete sentences, proper

grammar and re-state the question or statement that you pick. Each question is five points.

• How does experience determine how people live their lives?

• Can good prevail even during the most horrible experiences?

• Describe the support system that Jews had during this time?

• Analyze the relationships between 2 characters with in the book?

• Discuss imagery and what role it plays in the book.

• Discuss the theme of faith and what roles it plays in the book?

• Why do you think Elie survived and so many others did not?

• Discuss the significance of ‘night’ in the novel.

• What role does chance play in Elie’s survival?

• How does Elie loose his innocence in the book?

• Discuss symbolism and what role it plays in the book?

• What role does silence play with in the book?

• How did Elie’s experience in the concentration camp ‘change’ him?

• Discuss the significance of the last few paragraphs of the book?

• Why is it important to study the Holocaust?

Visual project is due on Friday October 31st in class

Essay responses are due on Thursday November 6th in class. You will have one day in class and

two days in the computer lab to work on the essay assignment. It must be submitted and sharred

through Google Docs to Danielle Wotchko.

50 points total